Author: Tammy Brewster-Barnes
Planning Unit: Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs
Major Program: Ag Water Quality Program
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Many in the equine industry are unaware that there are State Cost-share and NRCS programs available to them. Through one on one communications, presentations given to the Thoroughbred Farm Managers Club members and to participants at the UK Equine Showcase program and informational booths at farm field days, many subsequent farm visits were made to discuss soil and water conservation. Several of these visits were to small farms and many have communicated with me that they are in the process of signing up these programs or have taken advantage of these programs.
UK Extension specialists partnered with Loretto Motherhouse Farm during summer of 2022 to host anin-... Read More
Kentuckys landscape is 48% forested, with the vast majority (88%) owned by private landowners. Fores... Read More