Author: Denise Wooley
Planning Unit: Graves County CES
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Plan of Work: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Food Security and Obesity Prevention
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Cooperative Extension Service teamed up with the Adventures summer program at Reidland Elementary during the month of July to focus on health and fitness. The students learned about MyPlate, how to identify fruits vs vegetables, how to choose healthy snacks and what counts as physical activity. The LEAP was utilized as well as supporting materials from the SNAP program. The program reached 53 children.
46 children grades K-2 who could identify vegetables
48 children grades K-2 who could identify fruits
36 Number of children grades 3-4 who report eating vegetables
41 children grades 3-4 who report eating fruit
37 children grades 3-4 who report intention to ask their family to buy their favorite fruit of vegetable
29 children grades 3-4 who report the intent to ask their family to keep fruits in a place where they can reach them
24 children grades 3-4 who report intention to ask their family to keep cut-up vegetables in a place where they can reach them
The Graves County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Mayfield Middle and Mayfield High... Read More
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention... Read More
The Graves County Cooperative Extension Service partnered with the Mayfield Middle and Mayfield High... Read More
Eating more fruits and vegetables is a critical behavior for health promotion and disease prevention... Read More