Success StoryBeef Education and Problem solving
Beef Education and Problem solving
Author: Robert Smith
Planning Unit: Nelson County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Management and Marketing
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Beef production continues to grow in our county and our educational outreach grows alongside. The 2017 Ag Census indicated that our numbers of beef cattle remain around 45,000, which is equal to our human population. In 2018-19 we continued some programs intended to help improve forages on the farm. I felt that knowing the forage quality on the farm is important enough that I began an on-farm sample effort. This involves me going to the farm, pulling the samples for the farmer, and then sending them to the lab for testing. Once the sample information returns recommendations are made as to the quality of the hay and to whom it should be fed. Also, in an effort to better prepare our beef community we invited several specialists to discuss topics of concern at the time. Dr. Chris Teutsch discussed repairing pugged pastures following a horrendous feeding season. Dr. Michelle Arnold addressed concerns about anaplasmosis and the insects that vector the disease. This came as a response to several producers having lost animals from the disease. Dr. Josh McGrath discussed the timing of fertilization to get the most out of stressed pastures. Over 300 individuals received face to face educational training on topics related to their beef operation and more than 800 receive our Ag newsletter that is heavily dedicated to our second leading ag commodity.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment