Success StoryKentucky-Tennessee Grain Conference

Kentucky-Tennessee Grain Conference

Author: Curtis Judy

Planning Unit: Todd County CES

Major Program: Grain Crops

Plan of Work: Agriculture Production and Management

Outcome: Initial Outcome

In February, Extension agriculture agents from southwestern Kentucky and north-central Tennessee hosted the sixth Kentucky/Tennessee Grain Conference in Russellville, KY.  Agents from Todd and Logan Counties in Kentucky; and Montgomery and Robertson Counties in Tennessee cooperated in this effort, along with specialists from both states.

The program included presentations on 2019 grain-crop fertilizer considerations, Kentucky and Tennessee farm equipment transportation regulations, a soybean and wheat disease update, a 2019 grain market update, and keynote speech on “Production Insights for High Yield Corn,” presented by Illinois farmer Dan Leupkes. 

Mr. Leupkes is a farmer in Northern Illinois who has developed a reputation for producing high corn yields on less than ideal land.  He has been the Illinois winner in the National Corn Yield Contest and his operation has been featured on the RFDTV television show “Corn Warriors,” which features top U.S. corn producers.  Mr. Leupkes talked about his production practices that he felt were the keys to his high yield corn crops.  Those include things such as tillage practices, uniform planting depth, uniform seedling emergence, and appropriate fertility practices; including nutrients applied, and timing and placement of those nutrients.  His insights were well received by the audience even though some of his practices (particularly those that were irrigation-related) were not applicable to most local producers.           

More than 160 people participated in the Conference, with the majority being farmers.  Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) CEU credits and Commercial Pesticide CEU credits were provided for industry professionals that needed them.  

Eighty-two attendees completed the program evaluation.  Of those who did the evaluation, 99% indicated that they would utilize information learned at the 2019 KY/TN Grain Conference in their farming operations.  Approximately 90 percent said that the marketing presentation would help improve their grain marketing this year.  Eighty-two percent said they had a better understanding of their crops’ fertilizer needs.  Ninety percent indicated that they had a better idea of how to move farm equipment on highways, and eighty percent said they had a better understanding wheat and soybean diseases.  

Approximately 77 percent of those who completed the evaluation said that attending the Grain Conference will increase their farm income.  For those who provided an estimate of the economic impact of the program on their farming operation, the total value was about $1.1 million.  

This Grain Conference is one of three activities where Extension agents in this area of Kentucky and Tennessee cooperate on major educational or marketing activities.  Other “interstate” programs are the Certified Preconditioned for Health (CPH) Sales held at the Kentucky/Tennessee Livestock Market in Guthrie, KY; and the TN/KY Tobacco Expo held each year in Springfield, Tennessee.  

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