Author: Carla Jordan
Planning Unit: Program and Staff Development
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
During this fiscal year, the students at the KSU/CIS UConnect Program Students participated in a number of activities and discussions inclusive of: Participants also engaged in lessons on:
Students were so intrigued with the activities listed above that they wanted to document them. As a result, students were taught to document their experiences through journaling and photography. Hence, the KSU/CIS Photography Club began.
Award winning actor and internationally known photographer, playwright and actor, Patrick Mitchell in partnership with KSU and CIS developed a Photography Club. Ten students met twice weekly for an hour and a half each for 6 weeks to learn basic photography skills using Canon E07 DSLR Cameras. Students were taught techniques like caring for your camera, composites, lighting, framing, symmetry and patterns and viewpoint. Students were encouraged to be creative, find their voice and capture what speaks to them. At the conclusion of the class, students were invited to attend a cultural awareness experience to Charleston, South Carolina. There they learned about Slavery, and the Gullah Geeechee Community. Students visited Boone Hall Plantation, Brookgreen Sculpture Gardens and the Penn Center, where they captured numerous photos. On June 1, 2019, students held a photography exhibit entitled, “"Through Their Eyes." This gallery event displayed their work to the public. Five professional photographers, artists and media personnel, Mark Lenn Johnson, Debra Logsdon, Marjorie Guyon, Jeff Botts and Trey Crumbie critiqued their work and selected the top three winners. All students that participated received a trophy. The top three winners were awarded a new Canon DSL EO7 Cameras courtesy of Kentucky State University. Awardees also received cash prizes and extended lessons with famed photographer, Patrick Mitchell. The student’s photos will also be featured in the Lextropolis News Magazine.
1st Place Winner, Aliyah pictured with Rebecca Webb of Community Inspired Solutions and Patrick Mitchell.
Additional photographs taken by KSU/CIS Photography Club Students listed below
Sweetgrass Basket photographed by KSU/CIS Photography Club Student, Aliyah.
A bateau, a shallow-draft, flat-bottomed boat photographed by KSU/CIS Photography Student
Photo taken at Penn Center by KSU/CIS Photography Student, Ammonie.
The Cat, Photographed by KSU/CIS Photography Student, Aliyah.
Photo Courtesy of KSU/CIS Photography Student, Ammonie.
Photo taken at Penn Center Taken by KSU/CIS Photography Student, Lola.
Photo of an old slave cabin taken by KSU/CIS Photography Student, Lola.
The students involved in the KSU/CIS Photography club were exposed to a variety of a cultures and activities. They learned valuable lessons and acquires some invaluable skills along the way. These students have increased their capacity and are now able to earn a wage and become entrepreneurs with their newly acquired skills.
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