Success StoryECFP-Soil Meeting
ECFP-Soil Meeting
Author: Chuck Flowers
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Grain Crops
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production, Gardening and Horticulture, and Local Food Systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
EFCP-Soil Meeting
Carlisle, Fulton and Hickman County had a market value of $337 million in agricultural products last year – equal to the single largest producing county in the state. This region spent over $70 million on fertilizer, seed and chemicals alone last year. After discussing with CEC board and Ag council, agents wanted to offer a program geared toward younger farmers getting ready to transition toward making farm decisions while being a part of the family farming operation. It was also intended to get these younger producers to attending extension programs and using UKY based information. We offered the program and had 14 to sign up. The program is meeting each month with an emphasis on crop and farm decision making. Meetings are rotating between counties. River Valley Ag Credit has partnered as a meal and program sponsor. They have mentioned several times how impressed they are with the program. UK specialist, soil conservation and FSA have all made presentations so far. Evaluations have been given after each sessions and each time 98 per cent of the evaluations have been excellent for information to take back to the farm and implement. Our last meeting will be with county judge executives, county leadership and Ag representatives talking on farm and county related issues in agriculture and community issues.
Jerry McIntosh with soil conservation at the Carlisle County Extension office talking on soils in the river counties.
Edwin Ritchey talking on fertilize responses and uses at Carlisle
Stories by Chuck Flowers

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