Success StoryExtension and NRCS field day

Extension and NRCS field day

Author: Jerry Little

Planning Unit: Boyle County CES

Major Program: Farm Management

Plan of Work: Home Resource, Financial Business, and Farm Management Education

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The ANR agent was approached by the Boyle county soil conservation board to host a field day to better showcase extension and the cost share programs available through NRCS. The Boyle county Soil Conservation enacted a small tax on property to help fund the program and they wanted to create more visablity. The ANR agent set the field day up at Caverndale farms. Feeding barns, manure stack pads, feeding stillage, forage sampling, producing grain efficiently, and electrical safety on the farm were all presented to the 90 participants. The field day was a big success and helped to highlight more that is available from extension and Soil Conservation.

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