Success StoryHay and Pasture Improvement
Hay and Pasture Improvement
Author: Keith Hackworth
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Improving Small Farm Diversity and Management
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Feeding makes up a large part of the cost of a livestock enterprise. Getting the most out of your hay and pastures can help save on feed costs. So as directed by the Extension leadership, educational programs were planned and conducted to inform and assist local livestock producers about how best to improve their available hay and pasture lands. Some of the topics covered were grass and legume selection, seedling methods, proper renovation techniques, and management of lands for best production. Over thirty producers participated in this program. Through collaboration with the local County Conservation District, all producers received either 50 pounds of certified orchard grass seed or 25 pounds of certified red clover seed. This seed was used to plant or renovated over 100 acres of hay and/or pasture lands. Results of an evaluation given after the presentations showed that all respondents gained a greater understanding of methods to improve hay and pasture quality. 95% were more likely to test their soils in the future. All gained knowledge in the benefits of adding clovers/legumes to their hay and pasture fields and 85% have already or will try to incorporate more clover/legumes in the next 12 months
Stories by Keith Hackworth
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Stories by Floyd County CES

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