Success StoryCountry Ham Project
Country Ham Project
Author: Ted Johnson
Planning Unit: Lee County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Over the past decade, people have taken more interest in where their food comes from and what is in their food. In Lee County heritage skills has increased as a way to preserve skills of grandparents as well as extending their food dollar and taking pride in creating food for their family.
The Lee County Extension Agents conducted a country ham program for 14 adults and 1 youth, 8 of the participants where women and 7 where male. Thirteen of the participants had never cured a ham before.
During the hands-on workshop, they distinguished between different types of salt and used the correct salt for curing, calculated the correct amount of cure based on the weight of the ham, correctly bagged the ham for hanging. The estimated value of the hams where around $1125.00.
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