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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryCombing Core Content with Natural Resources and Agriculture to Educate Students

Combing Core Content with Natural Resources and Agriculture to Educate Students

Author: Whitney Carman

Planning Unit: Grayson County CES

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Plan of Work: Diversified Agriculture and Rural Development

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The average student in Grayson County is now three generations removed from agriculture, even though they rely on it every day. What people do not often realize is that core content can be taught using agriculture and natural resources as a platform where they learn both topics in their everyday lessons. Another highlight in today’s student curriculum is STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math), one which agriculture fits very well. The agriculture and natural resources agent has been working diligently to work with youth and utilize those types of core content like STEM and infuse it with agriculture education. So when the high school 9th grade teacher reached out to the Extension Service for help on natural resource programming, the agent used those resources to educate students about agriculture and science. The agent made 2 class visits through the year, reaching 177 students (102 male, 75 female, 6 Black, 1 Asian, 3 American India, 1 native Hawaiian, and 2 other). The first session was a Soil Lab Kit project that is used to demonstrate simple pH, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium tests, and what roles each of those chemicals play in the health of that soil. They then discussed the effects of erosion and ways to help aid in saving the top soil. The second session utilized the national 4-H Eco-Bot program where students had to be engineers to create an Eco-Bot to clean up a simulated oil spill. Students were very creative in using their items and were able utilize team-work, math, and engineering principles. The groups discussed the issue with oil spills and their effect on the environment.

Through these classes, the Agriculture and Natural Resources agent has gained an audience of youth for future educational programs. The science teacher has also began planning programs for the following year, so that the Extension Service can do a program with the youth once a trimester.

Stories by Whitney Carman

Youth Farm and Home Safety Education with Progressive Ag Safety Day

Youth Farm and Home Safety Education with Progressive Ag Safety Day

about 9 months ago by Whitney Carman

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Annie's Project

Annie's Project

about 10 months ago by Whitney Carman

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Stories by Grayson County CES

4-H Passport Kitchen- Exploring Cultures through Cooking

4-H Passport Kitchen- Exploring Cultures through Cooking

about 8 months ago by Kindra Jones

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Fitt Fiddle: A Champion of Community Wellness Through Physical Activity Promotion

about 9 months ago by Natalie Taul

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