Author: Linda McClanahan
Planning Unit: Garrard County CES
Major Program: Equine
Plan of Work: Agriculture and Horticulture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The 2012 KY Equine Survey reported Mercer County ranking 10th in equine income and home to 580 equine operations. The ANR agent continues to issue a quarterly newsletter (Equine Express) that is now mailed to 153 people and meets regularly with the Fort Harrod Backcountry Horsemen.
In addition ANR agents in the district collaborated to host the Annual Pastures Please! Workshop. Numerous survey responses indicated over the years this conference has led to increased profitability through less reliance on feeding hay, decreased weed pressure in pastures and better forage management. One respondent indicated "These are some of the most informative, well-organized meetings I attend. They are much appreciated."
UK Forage Extension Specialists received a large grant from Natural Resources Conservation Service through the Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Part of the grant is to establish equine demonstration farms in different areas of the state with the goals of establishing best management practices and improving conservation recommendations made to horse farms and Mercer County has one of these demo farms. Throughout the past year multiple practices have been implemented and the farm continues to receive feedback and recommendations through the Pasture Evaluation Program. This farm hosted the Equine Farm and Facilities Expo in August.
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