Success Story2019 Butler County Stockman’s Association Activities
2019 Butler County Stockman’s Association Activities
Author: Gregory Drake
Planning Unit: Butler County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Promoting Commodies
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Livestock Production is a major enterprise in Butler County’s agriculture. The Butler County Stockman’s Association is a group of livestock producers that support our county’s livestock industry. They sponsor educational programs, support youth livestock events, provide a scholarship, and conduct a breeding stock consignment sale each year. During the fall of 2018 they held a beef cattle field day. The agriculture agent helped facilitate the program. Local equipment dealers and the host family provided the educational presentations. 49 paper surveys were returned to evaluate the program. 100% or respondents indicated they learned from the event. 90% reported they would use what they learned in their farming operation. Butler County 4-H prepared the food for the event for a fundraiser for the teen club. In March, 2019 the 9th annual production sale was held. 22 calves were sold for a total of $31,800. The Stockman’s held their annual membership meeting in March 2019. 38 people were in attendance. Dr. Morgan Hayes from UK Ag. Engineering presented on beef cattle feeding barns. Dr. Hayes had been making farm visits in Butler County all day as well. 6 additional producers were able to benefit from her visit to the county. Paper surveys were used to evaluate the stockman’s annual meeting. 83% said they got something useful from the program. 70% reported they would put what they learned to use on their farm. 100% reported they believed the extension facility was an adequate place to hold the annual meeting. The stockman’s association donated money for the following causes: support 4-H camp $400, youth livestock show $400, agriculture scholarship $500. The cattle sale is a completely volunteer led event. They set the rules, make the arrangements, and secure sponsorships and cattle. They have an elected board of directors and rotate officers. They offer leadership development opportunity through these board and officer positions.
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