Success StoryProgressive Ag Safety Day
Progressive Ag Safety Day
Author: Jessica Barnes
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Plan of Work: Home and Farm Safety
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Helped with a Progressive Ag Safety Day for all of the fourth grade students in Harrison County Schools. We had 13 different stations for the fourth graders to rotate through throughout the day including fire safety, tractor safety, water safety, electric safety, ATV safety, and much more. There were approximately 220 kids that were at the safety day event and all of them said they learned something new that day that they had not previously been taught. This event is an annual event that keeps getting better and better every year. The teachers at the elementary schools think this safety day is a great asset to their curriculum and will keep bringing their children to for years to come.
Many of the children were exposed to several things that day including learning to use a real fire extinguisher, and what it is like to have a disability, etc that they normally may not be exposed to that helped them have a better understanding of what to do in emergency situations.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment