Success StoryBuilding A Healthy Wealthy Future
Building A Healthy Wealthy Future
Author: Jordan Crain
Planning Unit: Barren County CES
Major Program: Real Skills for Everyday Life
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In an effort to promote Financial Goal Setting, the Pinterest Series: Financial Goal Setting lesson was taught and offered to individuals in Adair, Casey, Green, Russell, Taylor and Wayne Counties. The objectives of this program was to help individuals:
- Define the components of SMART financial goals
- Identify three personal financial goals (short-term, medium-term, and long-term)
- Develop a goal action plan
- Understand how to use a vision board to help reach financial goals
During the class, participants were given an example of a SMART goal and then encouraged to set their own SMART goal(s). They were also assisted in creating a Goal Vision Board and a Goal Action Plan. Participants were given the opportunity to share their SMART goals and Goal Vision Boards. There was many great discussions and examples passed around during the sessions.
At the end of the class, participants were given an evaluation. 100% of participants reported an increase in knowledge of SMART financial goals. 100% reported that they could identify a short, medium, and long term goal for their family. And, 100% reported that they understood how to use Vision Boards to reach financial goals. 71% reported that they would create at least one specific financial goal for their family. That same 71% also reported that they would develop a Vision Board to help them reach their financial goals. 51% agreed that the class was timely, practical, and educational while 49% strongly agreed that the class was timely, practical, and educational. Overall, this financial goal setting lesson helped individuals to set goals and make plans for a better financial future.
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