Success Story4-H Achievement Program
4-H Achievement Program
Author: Christopher Boyd
Planning Unit: Greenup County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Promoting Leadership, Civic Engagement, and Economic Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Keeping youth involved in leadership opportunities is important to ensure that they have the necessary skills to be successful in life. Being able to set goals for yourself and provide a good example for others is something that the youth of our nation and the world need help with. The children of our community struggle to see the importance of being active in extracurricular activities, civic engagement and leadership roles. Helping youth stay involved in these worthy endeavors is why the Greenup County Teen Council was developed.
As part of the Teen Council youth have the opportunity to apply with the 4-H Achievement Program that is conducted by the state 4-H office. According to the Kentucky 4-H State Office “The 4-H Achievement Program is intended to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments and to provide incentive for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities.” Greenup County’s 4-H Teen Council members that received their Bronze Award last year applied for and will be awarded their Silver Award at The Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference in June. The high school sophomores’ gathered information about their participation in 4-H events from the Extension Office, and completed the application process. Upon receipt of the Silver Award the students will now receive two thirds off the cost to attend 4-H Teen Conference in June as well as be recognized during this event.
After completing this application the teens said that they didn’t realize that they had accomplished so much, and plan to continue adding leadership and civic engagement accomplishments to their form. They have continued their pursuit to further their leadership development in the 4-H program by attending the Kentucky 4-H Issues Conference and serving on the State 4-H Teen Council. One of the 4-H members received a $500 grant to build blessing boxes in her community, while the other is planning a “special needs day” for handicapped students with the State 4-H Office to be held at the Kentucky State Fair in 2019. The Achievement Program has helped them see how they can grow as leaders and other opportunities available in 4-H. This is a step in the right direction in achieving Greenup County’s goal to increase participation in the Achievement Program and 4-H Teen Conference. We also want to have these students achieve their full potential in this program by receiving their Gold Award in the future.
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