Success StoryStill Room for Improvement
Still Room for Improvement
Author: Christine Duncan
Planning Unit: Oldham County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Plan of Work: Promoting Healthy Lifestyles
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Still Room for Improvement
Oldham County has received the honor to be recognized as the healthiest in the State of Kentucky. Regardless of this award we still have 28 % obesity for the general population and an even higher rate for minorities. To address this issue the Family and Consumer Science agent and the EFNEP assistant offer Healthy Cooking and Nutrition classes. After one of the seven session classes, one participant was so inspired that she wanted to take the information to her minority church members. Armed with the NEP Calendars and Healthy Choices newsletters she gives weekly suggestions for Healthy Lifestyles to her church members and shares University of Kentucky researched based nutritional information. She has enlisted a dietetics student to assist her and she has also started a walking club. She has reported that several members of her church are regularly walking up to a mile a day, keeping a food journal, and reducing the sugar, salt and fat in their diets.
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