Success Story4-H Sewing Club Sparks Enterpernship
4-H Sewing Club Sparks Enterpernship
Author: Heather Coleman
Planning Unit: Floyd County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Youth Health and Family Consumer Science Skills
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Floyd County 4-H and our 4-H Adult Council President Patricia Hackworth, who is the Senior English Teacher at Betsy Layne High School collaborated to start the first Floyd County 4-H After School Sewing Program at BLHS. During the spring semester of 2017, 11 students had the opportunity to learn the basic techniques of sewing, cutting fabric, pinning, safety procedures and how to press fabric. Each participate made a crazy nine patch pillow to take home. One participate Summer Johnson had this to say about her experience with the program. “I have always been so interested in sewing because of my grandmothers. I have been watching them since I was old enough to talk. They enjoyed it so much and I thought that I would too. And I love it very much. I find it to be a huge stress relief. I first wanted to make them for my family and myself. Then I started to think I want others to enjoy them as well. So after selling about 4 pillows and getting back positive feedback, I began to sell them on Facebook and online. I have sold almost 45 pillows. The way I price them depends on the size and cost of materials. The range I have so far can go between $5-$25. I just started learning how to make shirts. Also I have been working on headbands and hair bows. My sister is learning to monogram so we can start a business, off selling clothes, headbands, pillows and etc. “ “I want to thank Heather Coleman and Patricia Hackworth so much for taking time to teach me how to sew. Also the girls in my class who were there with me every Tuesday learning and enjoying.”
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