Success StoryLocal Farmers' Market Provides Fresh Produce
Local Farmers' Market Provides Fresh Produce
Author: Susan Fox
Planning Unit: Lyon County CES
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Plan of Work: Increasing Knowledge about and Access to Fruits and Vegetables
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Lyon County Farmers’ Market offers local fruits, vegetables and honey. The market was open for 15 weekends this year. Extension maintains the market Facebook page has been liked by 400 people and is one avenue of communication with customers. In addition, each year Extension coordinates a popular market celebration event with samples and nutrition education information offered by the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent. Master Gardeners provide a display and activities. Vendors contribute to gift baskets that are given in a drawing to market participants.
Fifty-three participants at the Lyon County Farmers’ Market Celebration completed a Health Living Survey.
- 85 % responded that they had increased the amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet this year.
91% said that access to local produce increased the amount of vegetables they consumed. - The average response was 3.8 half cup servings of fruits and vegetables/day.
- 57% of the people are meeting the goal of 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
- 43% were under the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables/day.
- Individual responses were 1 serving - 11 people = 21%; 2 servings – 12 people = 24%, 3 servings – 9 people =17%, 4 servings – 15 people = 28%, 5 servings – 2 = 4%, 6 servings – 3 = 6%, 8 servings – 1 = 2%.
Participants also were asked how many hours a week they exercised or how many steps they averaged.
- Nine individuals averaged 7,611 steps/day.
- Twenty-eight individuals averaged 5.6 hours of exercise/week.
- One person could not exercise.
Several additional food samplings and sharing of recipe cards with nutritional information was conducted over the summer.
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