Success StoryCASA Family Day Event
CASA Family Day Event
Author: Bernita Cheirs
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Community Engagement
Plan of Work: Educating the community on issues that lead to a better Fulton County.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
~~On September 25th, the Fulton County Extension Office and the Fulton County Schools Family Resource office collaborated together to host the third annual Family Day event. CASA Family Day is a national program sponsored by the Center for Substance Abuse which encourages parental engagement. Research shows that children with hands-on parents are far less likely to smoke, drink or use other drugs.
Through funds provided by the Fulton County-Hickman County ASAP council, a dinner was provided for families in order to get a large number turnout. The event was marketed through flyers being sent home with every student from preschool to high school and flyers being hung around the community to encourage everyone to come and bring their families. The meal consisted of BBQ chicken, corn, green beans and rolls. After families ate and talked, several rounds of Bingo was played with a chance to win a candy bar. Activities included conversation starters such as answering a questionnaire about what their family hobbies were, their family's favorite foods, and what their favorite television shows are. Parents received 2018 CASA Family Day magnets, calendars, and other reading materials. At the end of the night, a drawing for a family size cooking griddle was given away to an adult to encourage cooking and family meals together.
The event was a great turnout with 137 people attending the family day dinner. This number increased from previous years! We had many of the same families to return. When asked why they came to the event, many commented that a night of not having to worry about what is for dinner and to spend time with the kids was a positive thing. The event was such a success with collaboration from Tyson Foods who donated 200 pieces of chicken, the men who grilled all of the chicken, and the others mentioned previously. There is a plan to host a family day event every year!
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