Success StoryFollowership: Understanding the Basics in the Purchase Area
Followership: Understanding the Basics in the Purchase Area
Author: Melissa Goodman
Planning Unit: Hickman County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Plan of Work: Improve leadership skills, strengthen volunteerism, & promote community and economic development.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization that works to improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education. Volunteers and leadership are a key aspect to any Extension Service and extend our reach into local communities. The Purchase Area Extension Homemakers Council have identified the need for leadership training and skill development, in order to maintain and grow county associations.
Followers play an integral role in the leadership equation and as a result are an integral part of any mission or organization. A healthy appreciation of followership means a healthier leadership relationship for the most successful collaborations Fifty-four Purchase Area Extension Homemakers were trained in Followership: Understanding the Basics of Teamwork by the Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences through train the trainer formatted sessions.
Fifty-four participants gained knowledge to recognize the important responsibilities followers have in contributing to the success of their leaders. 100% of participants identified qualities demonstrated by successful followers and described reasons why people will follow a leader. These participants then shared the information with 514 Purchase Area Extension Homemaker Club members to examine the value of followership and the importance of being a team player within Extension Homemakers and other community organizations.
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