Success StoryDad's Night Out
Dad's Night Out
Author: Nicole Gwishiri
Planning Unit: Bath County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Fathers
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In April of 2016, an estimated 13 percent of children in Kentucky had an incarcerated parent, nearly double the national average of seven percent, according to a survey conducted by Kentucky Youth Advocates. Over half of those parents were men. Based on this statistic, it is imperative to teach parenting skills to parents whether they were separated from their children at any point in time, mainly how a man's role in the child's life benefits the entire family. The Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent partnered with Gateway Health District's Fatherhood program staff, along with the Family and Youth Resource Center directors at Bath County Schools and Bath County Memorial Library to host Dad's Night Out. This program was targeted toward dads but allowed all caregivers to spend a night out with their youth. The lessons taught focused on family nutrition, reading, and financial literacy. Caregivers and their youth prepared a nutritious meal together, discovered activities that concentrate on MyPlate and discussed daily requirements for each age group. The financial literacy portion taught caregivers how to teach finances to the youth. Young participants decorated piggy banks to jumpstart their savings goals. The last piece of the event focused on reading. Even if parents cannot read they can demonstrate literacy skills by discussing books, as well as support a child's journey to reading by having books in the house. Each child left the program with a variety of supplies to incorporate learning objectives at home, including a book that highlights the father/child relationship. Seventy participants enjoyed the night based on the post evaluations. Initial outcomes from follow-up evaluations stated participants wanted more programs to spend time with their families. Sixty percent of participants incorporated a daily reading time within their households, while fifty percent follow the MyPlate for dinner suggestions. Thirty percent of students and parents have started a new savings goal and actively utilize the savings and chores plans discussed in the session.
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