Success StoryInteractive Farm Management Program

Interactive Farm Management Program

Author: David Coffey

Planning Unit: Jackson County CES

Major Program: Farm Management

Plan of Work: Agriculture Production and Marketing

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

With help from the Agriculture advisory council, the Jackson County ANR extension agent developed an Interactive Farm Management program. This program had an initial meeting in March where 16 producers were in attendance. Management ideas were given to producers and each producer set a long-term and a short-term goal for their operation during the meeting. The agriculture agent then made routine visits for the remainder of the year to each producer to help them plan and implement their goals. Throughout the program:

  • All 16 producers submitted soil samples
  • 7 producers submitted hay samples for analysis for the first time
  • 4 producers started selling in the CPH-45 sale
  • 5 producers sprayed 260 acres for buttercup and other broadleaf weeds
  • 3 producers adopted the practice of culling cows, breeding soundness exams on bulls, and pelvic measuring heifers
  • 4 producers started pregnancy checking cows after the breeding season
  • 2 producers adopted the practice of artificial insemination
  • 1 producer updated their cattle handling facilities
  • 3 producers implemented a rotational grazing system to lengthen their grazing season.
  • 1 producer reseeded 23 acres of hay ground

As a result of this program and the adoption of recommended practices, producers have seen longer grazing seasons, increased heard health, decrease in noxious weeds, decrease of input costs, and increased profit in their overall operation which will continue to improve these operations for years to come.

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