Success Story4-H is Like Dipping Your Toe in the Water
4-H is Like Dipping Your Toe in the Water
Author: Novella Froman
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H is Like Touching Your Toe in the Water
4-H is “Like touching your toe in the water, you never know what you are going to learn.”-Alyssa. The Pike County Extension Council identified work force preparation as one of the issues they have identified as a need for our county. Unemployment rate for Pike County is 5.7%. The rate of pay for many employees are just minimum or a little above. With 4-H, we give experiences that helps to develop skills. The Development Institute has listed 40 assets needed for youth development.
The numbers of 4-H members in Pike County 4-H are large, 4,037 but the individual experiences helps to build our workforce and prepare for a better future. In all, our county won thirteen class or grand championships and one college scholarship money during the American Private Enterprise Seminar
Allyssa, who made this comment is one of our 4-H members who won the 4-H State Horticulture. Alyssa is from a low income family that lost their home due to not being able to pay property taxes. She and three fellow Pike 4-H members are representing our state during the National Junior Horticulture Contest in 2019. A community leader help her with transportation to the 4-H events and she said, “I have gotten more comfortable with speaking and learned a lot about being a leader. I love seeing the look on kids’ faces when they get a blue ribbon at the fairs.
Kirsten won state championships in 4-H Poultry Science two years in a row. In her achievement record, she stated, “I will give back to my community and 4-H. Also, by getting more youth involved in this great experience know as 4-H. My life will never be the same because of the many wonderful things that I got to experience through 4-H.” This is a seven year 4-H youth being raised by a grandmother along with three other siblings. This young leader, who is going for the 4-H Gold Achievement Record, has served as an officer for five years and continues to develop her leadership skill through 4-H Teen Conference.
The long term story of the Horticulture Contest is of Kenisha, who won the state 4-H Poultry, Avian and Horticulture Contests. She went to the national contest in all three areas. She was competitive and studied hard to win each of the contest. She pursued a degree and applied for medical school. Her aunt, a district board member, stated, “When Kenisha applied for medical school, she was asked if there is anything different that the committee should know about her. She told them that she can judge chickens!” Dr. Kenisha was accepted to medical school is now practicing medicine.
The opportunities through 4-H helps to be a part of the building blocks for work preparation and helping youth “make the best better.”
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