Success StoryCouch Potato Challenge Series
Couch Potato Challenge Series
Author: Sarah Imbus
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Plan of Work: Accessing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Understanding where your food comes from, the importance of healthy movement and active lifestyle, and following recipes to prepare healthy meals for families can be overwhelming for many. Agents Ronda Rex, Kate Thomason, and Sarah Stolz collaborated with a FREE 6 week series program titled: Couch Potato Challenge Series. This program provided research based information to 21participants and gave them tools and resources on how to increase walking steps while improving their exercise activity, shared the importance of shopping local, buying local, resources on how individuals can start a garden at home and also using KY Proud recipes and other Extension research based recipes to make healthier food options for them and their families.
This 6 week series was scheduled in line with Tuesday Farmers market as the program activities fed into the market. Each weekly session, horticulture agent would review in season produce and alien home gardening recommendations and tips to grow produce. Information about taking soil samples, identifying best management practices, showcasing agronomic garden tools, and soil management were some of the topics discussed. Utilizing UK publication ID-128 and other Extension publications were helpful for participants to take home and study.
First, Ronda highlighted a small kitchen appliance and then demonstrated a KY Proud recipe, followed by who Kate discussed the wellness program and activity. It was then time for each participate to walk through the horticulture educational gardens to the Tuesday Highland Heights Farmers Market, where each participant would then received a $5 voucher to be used at the market that day for produce only from the four participating vendors. Over the 6 week series, the voucher program generated $900 in additional income, (not including the additional items participants purchased) also opened the door for new market users, and gave participants a new perspective of the benefits of shopping local and supporting farmers.
As a result, participants stated, “ I enjoyed learning about how to use all the different appliances and information about how to choose one, or if you need it.” Another stated, “I am more aware of my walking/steps and more critical about the healthiness of my recipes. Fresher food from the farmers market is just better.”
In addition, participants volunteered to participate in a Summer Farmer’s Market survey which was conducted by UK summer intern, Connor Richardson. Data collected will help draw a better understanding of local food access in Campbell County and will assist in determining future project with approval and support from County District Board.
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