Success StoryTeaching with Love and Logic
Teaching with Love and Logic
Author: Christy Ramey
Planning Unit: Simpson County CES
Major Program: Facilitation Training
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Teachers of preschoolers and kindergartners are challenged each day to handle the disciplinary rigors that children present in their classrooms. This Family and Consumer Sciences Agent taught a series of successful sessions entitled, " Teaching with Love and Logic-Nine Essential Skills" to Day Care Providers in the two preceding years. This training was sponsored by Community Education and approved by the Assistant Director of Family and Consumer Sciences. One of the trained Day Care Providers, who had experienced the usefulness of the skills taught by this program proposed to the Community Education Director and UK Extension, that we teach the skills to the entire Franklin Elementary Faculty. Meetings with the principal resulted in one kindergarten teacher being sponsored and sent to Denver for training. As a result of this collaborative partnership, thirty-five teachers, assistants and the principal are now being trained to use Love and Logic techniques in each of their classrooms. Seven of the nine strategies have been taught to date. Teachers are using the methods and experiencing much less stress and more control over their classrooms.
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