Success StoryCooking with Youth
Cooking with Youth
Author: Christina A. Martin
Planning Unit: Russell County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing life skills of youth through family and consumer sciences
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The 4-H program offered two summer cooking classes; the program was taught by the 4-H Agent, 4-H/FCS Assistant, and SNAP assistant. Youth cooking programs are part of life skills development that the local County Extension Council and 4-H Council indicated as important youth development skills. The youth learned basic measuring skills, recipe reading, knife skills, and food and kitchen safety. They youth also identified the placement of their food items into the MyPlate food groups.
The theme for the cooking classes was breakfast items. After practicing proper hand-washing, the youth learned knife skills and prepared a fruit salad. Then the youth prepared biscuits where they practiced wet and dry measuring techniques, sifting, kneading, and using a biscuit cutter. The youth then learned about egg preparation by making omelets and a quiche. One group had enough time to use eggs to make French toast. After preparing the food, the youth learned table setting and table etiquette. The youth ate the food that they had prepared and finally washed the dishes.
A post-program evaluation was given along with a follow up with families to see if the youth had prepared any items at home. The results of the evaluation are as follows:
- 100% learned to measure wet and dry ingredients with properly
- 100% learned to use measuring cups and spoons
- 100% learned to read a recipe
- 100$ learned cooking safety when using knives and hot stoves
The youth planned to use their acquired skills to cook breakfast at home, make brownies, cook a birthday supper for a family member, and cook for their family. Within a month after the program, nearly half of the youth had practiced their cooking skills at home. One of the youth sent an advanced cooking item for competition at the Kentucky State Fair.
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