Success StoryCooking Camp Outreach
Cooking Camp Outreach
Author: Shannon Farrell
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Promote Health and Wellness
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Clark County 4-H currently provides a Discovery Cooking Club and Advanced Cooking to 4-H youth. The clubs are led by certified and screened 4-H Volunteers. These clubs fill up to max capacity each year, with waiting lists who get first offer the following year. In efforts to provide more cooking opportunity to youth of Clark County, Shannon Farrell requested the University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment Super Star Chef program to be conducted this past summer. This program; a 3 day cooking camp geared towards mastering a variety of cooking techniques, making homemade meals, discovering energy foods, and decoding food labels; is led by trained University Staff and Culinary students. With a class capacity of 20 youth, the sign up for Super Star Chef was promoted and filled via Clark County 4-H Facebook page and Migrant Education coordinator in 2 hours. Of the 20 youth who signed up for the class, 8 were from the Migrant Education program in Winchester (most of whom were also introduced to 4-H for the first time). 9 participants completed the evaluation (pre and posttest) following the program. Highlighted successes from Super Star Chef evaluation included:
- 9 answered correctly the picture that showed the right way to hold a knife on the posttest as opposed to no correct answers on the pretest.
- 9 answered correctly the four simple steps to keep food safe as opposed to no correct answers on the pretest.
- 7 answered correctly the number of minutes per day a kid should be physically active as opposed to 4 correct answers on the pretest.
8 responses indicated agree or strongly agree to each of the following on the self-assessment:
- I learned how to wash my hands to remove germs.
- I learned about the amount of fruits and vegetables I should have on my plate.
- I learned the correct way to hold a knife for cutting.
- I learned how to measure ingredients.
- I learned how to read recipes.
- I learned how germs can be transferred to food.
- I learned how to read nutrition labels.
- After participating in the program, I intend to eat more fruits and vegetables.
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