Success StoryTeen Leader on the Rise
Teen Leader on the Rise
Author: Shannon Farrell
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Enhancing Leadership & Communication Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Clark County 4-H has a strong teen leadership club. Many of its members are highly involved in the service projects and fundraising opportunities that it offers while still being active in other 4-H clubs. One of the struggles, however, with these involved, leader oriented youth is the self motivation needed to step into officer roles on the county level and leadership opportunities on higher levels. One particular individual is a young man who has the dedication to do what it takes and the parental support to make it happen, however, this young man had never accepted the challenge. After an inspiring conversation, the young man applied for the role of 2017-18 4-H Teen Leadership Vice President. The officer selection committee slated him for his desired position. He attended the county officer training where he met with and learned from the State 4-H Vice President, and immediately put his training into action at the next week's monthly leadership club meeting. He was also presented the opportunity to co teach a workshop of his choice at the national level Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference. He agreed to lead a workshop on backpacking. To say he was prepared, would be an understatement. He thoroughly knew this topic, had dozens of items for visuals, and handouts for everyone. His co-presenters helped distribute and show what he presented. Back on the county level, this professional young man was asked and agreed to lead the first ever 4-H outdoor adventure club alongside his parents. Sixteen
4-Hers enrolled in the club. They met to outline the events and activities that the club planed to do over the course of the year during their monthly gatherings. The club's activities included: Mud Fun Run, Asbury Ropes Course, Hiking on local trail, Hiking in Red River Gorge, and Canoeing. Towards the end of the program year, He was encouraged to apply for State Teen Council and in a competitive interview run, was selected as one of the three District 4 representatives to serve on the 2018-19 state teen council!
Stories by Shannon Farrell

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