Success StoryCalloway County Homemakers Vital to the Community
Calloway County Homemakers Vital to the Community
Author: Kelly Mackey
Planning Unit: Calloway County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Developing Community Leaders
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Member of the Calloway County Homemakers Association and Judge Executive Kenny Imes sign proclamation for KEHA Week 2018The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA) is a volunteer organization that works to improve the quality of life for families and communities through leadership development, volunteer service, and education. The Calloway County Extension Homemakers has 7 active clubs participating in many service opportunities including donations of fabric for church mission projects, donations of socks and underwear for elementary schools, and holiday tray favors for the meals on wheels program. Three out of the seven clubs have increased their membership for the 2018-19 program year. CCEHA members volunteered a total of 9,586 hours. Using the value of $21.17 per hour for Kentucky according to the Independent Sector, the Calloway County Homemakers brought a value of $202,935.62 to the county.
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