Author: Camille Lambert
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Community Leadership Development
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Summer Internship Program provides students with the unique opportunity of making a difference in the community as well as observing and experiencing all the responsibilities of a full-time Extension professional. Every summer several students are selected to work in counties all across the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
This past summer, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent took on an Intern to learn what the Henderson County Cooperative Extension Service had to offer. Over the course of twelve weeks, the intern planned and executed meetings with farmers, met with leaders in the community, plunged into the media and conducted agriculture research.
After the internship was complete, the intern stated, “My internship experience was very rewarding. I was able to help those in the community and make connections that will last a lifetime. I gained a lot of agronomy knowledge that I did not know before this experience.”
Describe the Issue or Situation.The situation involves youth participants in a county fair, where th... Read More
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