Success StoryEnvironmental Education curriculum
Environmental Education curriculum
Author: Patrick Allen
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Environmental Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Scott County 4-H has provided a number of environmental education opportunities for the youth in Scott County throughout this past program year. The biggest program Scott County 4-H agents conduct in the fall and the spring is environmental education overnight camp. This camping experience is offered to all 4th grade students in Scott County. We had 7 of the 8 public schools in Scott County attend this past program year, equating to approximately 655 students attending this overnight experience. Youth attend a variety of classes geared towards the environment, as well as bonding as a class. Scott County 4-H also offers a 4-H adventure after-school program that exposes youth to nature and our environment. These youth have visited Natural Bridge, Carter Caves, Newport Aquarium, Cincinnati Zoo, and Land Between the Lakes for an eagle watch. Scott County 4-H also had the opportunity to send 6 youth to Jekyll Island for their 4-H environmental education camping program. The youth spent 3 days exploring wildlife that live near the ocean, as well as exploring the variety of plants living in the forests on the island. These experiences give youth the opportunity to surround themselves in nature and an environment they do not often see, with the hope they want to preserve it for future generations. youth attendance in the after-school 4-H adventure program continues to increase from ten in 2017 to more than doubling in this past program year. The only way we hope to preserve our natural resources is to show youth how important and more importantly FUN it can be. Youth are more likely to defend something that they can make a direct connection too, something they can recall and share a story about to their friends. This is why it is most important to take these youth to these places and given them the opportunity to create a bond with what we hope will be around for many more generations. For 2018 - 2019 4-H program year, we currently have all eight elementary school 4th grade classes booked to attend environmental education camp (one more school than past year) as well as a homeschooling group booked to attend in the Spring 2019. The increase of these two groups will mean that all 4th grade public school students will attend this overnight camping program. Our hope is that from this we can recruit youth to participate in other 4-H programs like the 4-H Adventure Program and increase the opportunities for youth to travel out of the county and learn about other environments.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment