Success Story2018 Logan County Youth Market Animal Shows, Sales, & Carcass Contest
2018 Logan County Youth Market Animal Shows, Sales, & Carcass Contest
Author: Leann Martin
Planning Unit: Logan County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Increasing Livestock Production, Profitability, & Retention of Youth in Agriculture
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Responsibility and commitment, animal science knowledge, record keeping, marketing, and leadership are all key components of a successful livestock operation. To help students gain a better understanding of each of these skills, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service in partnership with the Logan County Cattlemen’s Association and Logan County Hog Committee, sponsored the 2018 4-H & FFA Youth Market Steer/Heifer Show, Sale, and Carcass Contest and the 2018 Logan County Youth Terminal Hog Show & Sale. This year there were 37 total youth that participated in the terminal livestock shows and sales; 18 Junior Cattlemen exhibited 24 steers and 19 Young Pork Producers exhibited 28 hogs. The 2018 4-H & FFA Youth Market Steer/Heifer Sale brought in a total of $104,889.07 with the average sale price of $2.99 per pound. The 2018 Logan County Youth Terminal Hog Sale brought in a total of $37,302.25 with an average sale price of $4.17 per pound. All funds went directly back to the exhibiting youth.
The Logan County Extension Agents for Agriculture and Natural Resources and 4-H & Youth Development partnered together to advise the Steer Committee and Hog Committee as well as developed educational programming for the youth. An additional component for both livestock programs is the Logan Proud promotional incentive. For an animal to qualify as Logan Proud, the animal must be born on a farm with a Logan County address. This promotional program allows the youth to promote local producers as well as market locally grown meat within the community through our buyers. 16 of the 24 steers shown and 25 or the 28 hogs shown were Logan Proud.
The 2018 4-H & FFA Youth Market Steer/Heifer Show, Sale, and Carcass Contest began in December with the average weight of the steers being 758 pounds. Over the next six months, the 24 steers increased to an average weight of 1229 pounds with an average daily gain of 2.65 pounds per day. The 2018 Logan County Youth Terminal Hog Show & Sale is also a six month commitment where the 28 hogs weighing an average of 265.5 pounds on show day.
Both programs give youth the opportunity to see the full cycle of production with a carcass contest. 79% of the steers graded choice or higher with an average dressing percentage of 63%. The average dressing percentage of the hogs was 74%.
These programs not only teach the responsibility of caring for and managing their animals but they also teach about animal nutrition, showmanship, and carcass quality. Each of these skills can be carried out in their life beyond the shows and applied to situations and events the youth will be involved in within school and their future careers.
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