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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2020 - Jun 30, 2021

Success StorySecuring Funds for Story Walk Trail

Securing Funds for Story Walk Trail

Author: Jennifer Bridge

Planning Unit: Meade County CES

Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

Plan of Work: Financial Management, Soft Skill Development, Human Development, Sustainable Environments

Outcome: Initial Outcome

School readiness has been identified as an area of need in Meade County by the Early Childhood Council and the county preschool program.  Research shows positive adult/child interaction is critical to learning and development of motor skills. The family and consumer science program provides unique areas of expertise related to this area.   Working with Extension specialist at the University of Kentucky the concept of a community story walk trail was introduced.  After much research and planning it was determined over $8000 was needed to build the trail.  Permission was secured to build the trail on a county maintained walking trail and people quickly volunteered to help install all the needed post once funding was in place.  The funding became an obstacle so the FCS agent reached out to the Extension Homemakers organization to assist in writing a grant to submit to Monument Chemical, a company located in the county, for a community enhancement grant. Submissions had to come from local service organizations. The county president and agent prepared all the needed materials and submitted an application.  Two finalist were selected out of 14 applicants, the local arts council who was seeking partial funding for an amphitheater cover and the extension homemakers and the story walk trail!   Additional preparation was needed and a power point had to be submitted for review by the corporate office prior to the presentation.  The review committee was highly impressed with the concept and the potential impact it could have on the county.  But, they ultimately went with the arts council's proposal.  Not the way we wanted it to turn out but the impact we had on those who knew nothing about the extension service or the extension homemakers organization has been tremendous.  The company has reached out to us on two different occasions for needed information and a contact within the company has been established.

Efforts are still underway to secure funding for the story walk and the grant has been tweaked for submission to other companies.   

Stories by Jennifer Bridge

Reaching Remote Areas with Extension Education

Reaching Remote Areas with Extension Education

about 3 years ago by Jennifer Bridge

Wolf Creek, Andyville, and Rhodielia are communities located in the lower portion of Meade County cl... Read More

Covid and Exercise

about 3 years ago by Jennifer Bridge

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Stories by Meade County CES

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Meade County 4-H Youth Development Offers Culminating Events to Closeout Project Year for Members

about 3 years ago by Deana Reed

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Reaching Remote Areas with Extension Education

Reaching Remote Areas with Extension Education

about 3 years ago by Jennifer Bridge

Wolf Creek, Andyville, and Rhodielia are communities located in the lower portion of Meade County cl... Read More