Success StoryProviding new experience while learning about Water Quality Education
Providing new experience while learning about Water Quality Education
Author: Jessica Morris
Planning Unit: Wolfe County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership, Citizenship, Heath & Life Skills Among Youth
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In Wolfe County we are have a Kentucky Water Alliance Coordinator. Together the Coordinator (Laura Gregory), Family Resource Center Directors and the Wolfe County Agent for 4-H partnered together to provide a unique learning opportunity for all of the 4th and 5th graders in Wolfe County. Each of the three elementary schools had a separate day where they traveled to Frankfort. 104 students and 15 teachers boarded the Kentucky State University "Thorobred" boat on the Kentucky River at Riverview Park. During the hour and half ride down the river they took part in active lessons learning about water quality, pollution, and species that are living in the river. Once students left the river boat we traveled to the Mollusk Conservation Center where they toured the facilities, observed the water fall and took part in activities where they learned why it is important to conserve mollusks. While the day was intended for educational purposes we were able to provide several first time positive experiences for the students! 44% students had never been on a boat before. They were instructed on the safety procedures and learned how the boat works.
Students reported that they had an increase in knowledge in the following areas:
*87% increase in knowledge in water quality education. Students can name one or more causes of water pollution, how to prevent poor water quality and ways to determine quality of water
*100% located a species living in the water.
*94% recognize one or more species of fish live in the Kentucky River.
*100% recall the importance of Mollusk Conservation
*92% describe a Mollusk is AND what their purpose is in the water.
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