Success Story4-H Alumni
4-H Alumni
Author: Catherine Webster
Planning Unit: Simpson County CES
Major Program: Volunteer Engagement
Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Cooperative Extension Service is a grassroots organization that relies on the active participation of Kentuckians to carryout programs. Volunteers are an important part of American society as well as a critical element of Extension programs. As Extension programs continue to grow, more volunteers are needed. Developing leadership and volunteer skills for community and civic engagement is a youth development initiatives of the Kentucky 4-H program. Long-term goals of this initiative include youth will serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities, community organizations, & as mentors for younger youth and youth will be productive, contributing adults in the future. Simpson County 4-H had a record number of 4-H community clubs this year, seventeen. All of the clubs met after school, led by volunteers that included eight 4-H alumni and two returning club leaders whose children had previously aged out. Four of these leaders were alumni of the current 4-H agent and three were alumni from other counties or states. “I returned to Simpson County 4-H because I missed 4-H and the opportunity to work with youth.” “I was ready to share my love of 4-H with members again!” “I continue to volunteer and be connected to 4-H because 4-H has always been there for me. I learned so much in 4-H and I can’t wait for my daughter to grow up and be a 4-H member!” “I honestly had not thought of 4-H in years when I was asked to help out with a ‘cooking club’. At the time I had no clue it was through 4-H. I was excited to find out that it was through 4-H. I loved 4-H when I was a member & hated that I could no longer participate due to aging out. I needed something to be involved in, I love kids, I love cooking, I love eating, and I love 4-H so I said yes.” The reasons why these alumni returned is a testament to both Simpson County and Kentucky's 4-H program.
Stories by Catherine Webster
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