Success StoryPikeville Farmers Market
Pikeville Farmers Market
Author: Deborah Stumbo
Planning Unit: Pike County CES
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
Plan of Work: Commercial Horticulture
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Eastern Kentucky has the highest food insecurity in the United States and is considered a food dessert. In Pike County, 11,750 individuals (18.7% of county population) are not sure where their next meal will come from. 71% of the population of Pike County qualify for SNAP, WIC, Free School Meals, CSFP & TEFAP. The Pikeville Farmers Market participates in the WIC, SR Vouchers, Double Dollars programs to help both our local people and the local farmers. These programs have added healthy foods to our local people's diets and help the bottom line for our farmers.
During 2018-2019 season, the Market spawned multiple brick and mortar stores. One of our most successful vendors opened his own restaurant with approximately 20 employees. Their success at the local farmers market encouraged them to open a stand alone restaurant. They have consistently been the #1 seller for the 2 years they have been at the market. Another success story is one of our vendors that sells value added "cupcakes/etc." has turned what started as a family baking night has developed into 3 brick and mortar stores located in Prestonsburg, Pikeville, and Elkhorn City. They have had so much success at the Farmers Market, it has led not only brick and mortar stores, but their participation in multiple regional Farmers Markets and Flea Markets. It has allowed for full time jobs for 6 employees. Owner is quoted as saying, "Never dreamed they would have the success they have had at the Farmers Market and it keeps motivating them to expand". In addition, our local value added soap producer started a small independent & online store to sell their goods 6 days a week and participates in local festivals on a larger scale. One of our farmers who sells farm produce and value added has attained a nation-wide contract for selling jams and jellies made from locally produced fruits/etc. 6 vendors who were trying to make a living as beginning farmers are still participating when they can, but have landed full-time good paying jobs through & with their work with the Farmers Market. Growing pains are part of the success story. People developing into entrepreneurs and growing their own careers and lives is always good!
The Pikeville Farmers Market & our brick and mortar graduates generated over $200,000 dollar in 2019 and added just over $121,000 sold at the Market. It facilitated sales by 76 farmers and served 30,257 people. Vendors from 18 counties and 1 fruit farmer from just across the line in Virginia, participated at various times. The market reached 176 students through various activities by the 4-H, Beekeepers, Boy Scouts, Jr. Chefs, and speaking engagements at the local schools. During the Hatfield/McCoy Heritage Days we hosted people from Ireland, France, and England.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment