Success StoryGirls Night Out
Girls Night Out
Author: Catherine Jansen
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Plan of Work: Nurturing Families
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Girls Night Out
When you live in a large city or urban area there are many opportunities for women to get together to bond or learn new skills. Sometimes in rural areas this is not available. A Girls Night Out Crafting Group was started to allow women in Carroll County the opportunity to do this. It is also a marketing tool for Extension and the Kentucky Homemakers Association.
The classes meet monthly to learn a new craft skill from September through May. The class attendance ranged from 5 to 34 with an averaged of 13 participants. Throughout the year we have been able to recruite several new people to joined homemakers. Skills learned from our Girls Night Out have included how to recyle tobacco sticks to make a holiday tree decoration, book page folding, making a Holiday wreath, barn quilt painting, board sign painting, Succulent planter and pallet flag.
Some months we had to repeat the session to allow everyone to participate.
By participating in this activity, we have had new and repeat clientele to the Extension office. There has also been bonding between multi-generational families doing activities together. Some people said the only time they got to see each other was during the girls Night Out program. More than one person said they had never done any type of craft before and had never made a wreath. During the session we talk about what the cost of the item would be if they had to purchase it versus making it and how much money they saved.
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