Success StoryBack on her feet
Back on her feet
Author: Jacqui Denegri
Planning Unit: Fayette County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Drug withdrawal isn’t the only thing that causes headaches, drowsiness and depression. Malnutrition induces similar ailments, complicating recovery from addiction. I worked with a group of ladies from Chrysalis House, they had completed the drug rehabilitation program and were in the process of working towards independent living. A few were pregnant and some were in the process of working with the courts to get their children back.
Most of the ladies had abused Opiates such as OxyContin while others had abused stimulants such as cocaine and methamphetamine. These ladies had been in jail and exchanged drugs for sugar. While sugar is the far lesser of two evils. But many of them used sugar and caffeine to keep feeling awake and alert the “healthy foods” just didn’t taste as good. Through the lessons they learned that one of the reasons they gained more weight was because they were using sugar as a substitute for your addiction.
“Ms. Jacqui, I didn’t think I was eating too much sugar. I thought because I didn’t add any to my coffee and stuff I was doing ok, I didn’t realize that sugar comes in many forms.”
Going back to the basics was key in the healing process and they learned to read labels to help in selecting nutritious foods for themselves and their children. I explained the difference between “enriched” and “fortified”. We practiced menu planning, they developed a plan to implement healthier food to available for them on weekends when the children would come for visits. Because of this, one lady who is a convicted felon now works in a local restaurant in the kitchen and helps with the menu planning. She has increased eating a variety of fruits each day, increased eating a variety of vegetables. Also, daily physical activity is now part of her healthy lifestyle because she rides her bicycle to work every day. She has her own apartment now.
Stories by Jacqui Denegri
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