Success StoryCommercial Kitchen Opens
Commercial Kitchen Opens
Author: Shad Baker
Planning Unit: Letcher County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Grow It Local and Reap the Harvest
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Commercial Kitchens are a way to expand market opportunities for Kentucky farmers. And while this approach has found marginal success in other counties, the newest such kitchen has a unique angle. Letcher County's Community Agricultural & Nutritional Enterprises (CANE), Inc. is tied closely to the healthcare industry, in fact it was created through a partnership between Mountain Comprehensive Health Corporation (MCHC), Letcher Co. Extension, GROW Appalachia, and local producers. This partnership gives the kitchen a broad pool of expertise. Additionally, rather than having producers come to the kitchen to make a product and then go find a market for it, this endeavor has largely been the opposite. Buyers, including a gourmet salad dressing producer that is rapidly expanded his offerings in regional supermarkets, have recruited producers to supply necessary ingredients for his dressings.
The Letcher County Extension Service has been involved in the planning for the kitchen from the beginning. The ANR and FCS agents teamed up to provide kitchen-required trainings, safety trainings, production advice and educational materials along with budget forms for multiple crops. Extension also partnered to provide necessary equipment for the operation. The office holds a permanent seat on the CANE Board. The grand opening of the CANE kitchen in late August saw over 300 attendees. Extension was recognized repeatedly for our contributions.
As a result of the kitchen development, producers have already begun approaching the office for specific crop recommendations. They are also planning their 2019 production to accommodate the demands. The office is working on a MarketReady partnership between University of Kentucky and local producers to further the options for growers.
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