Success StoryMaster Gardeners at Farmers Market Recruit New People for 2019 Master Gardener Training
Master Gardeners at Farmers Market Recruit New People for 2019 Master Gardener Training
Author: Kathryn Wimberley
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Master Gardener
Plan of Work: Extension Master Gardener Program for McCracken County
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Demand for home horticulture information continues to increase for Kentucky county Extension offices. The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener (EMG) Program develops trained volunteers to assist county Extension staff in meeting this need for research-based information and public outreach.
The public has a positive perception of EMG volunteers as reliable sources for home horticulture information.
EMG Volunteers extend the educational outreach of the Cooperative Extension Service in areas such as community gardens, youth gardening, environmentally sustaining lawn and garden practices, and other topics.
All Participants/ EMG volunteers maintain consistency in completing hours (a minimum of 15 hr. per year) to maintain certification.
Participants (certified EMG volunteers) put into practice the skills learned when completing volunteer hours and working with clientele
Participants engage as facilitators and presenters for classes, lectures, or workshops delivered
EMG volunteers practice effective skills when interacting with clientele
EMG volunteers have positive perceptions of their role as reliable sources for home horticulture information
Participants gain knowledge in many aspects of home horticulture. This is measured through regular quizzes.
Participants become more aware of Extension’s role in addressing the needs of local residents
Participants master the EMG curriculum by passing (score of 75% or better) comprehensive exam given at the end of the training.
Participants become Certified EMG volunteers when they master the curriculum and provide 30 hours in volunteer service to the local Cooperative Extension Office.
Master Gardeners at Farmers Market Recruit New People for 2019 Master Gardener Training
McCracken County Extension Master Gardeners (MCEMG) volunteered at the Summer Celebration series of Paducah Downtown Farmers Market (PDFM). Paducah Parks which oversees the PDFM has a working relationship with McCracken County Extension Agent for Horticulture. At each “Celebration Saturday,” which is held monthly at PDFM, the Extension Agent for Horticulture is provided a booth space, a portable 10x10-foot tent, a 6-foot table and folding chairs to accommodate an educational space for interaction with the clientele who shop at PDFM. This allows for the Agent to meet with people who do not necessarily utilize the McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service (CES) or know what CES does for the community. Flyers of upcoming events, newsletters and UK/KSU publications that are related to the season are offered to the public. SNAP incentives are handed out to the delight of the public.
21 July 2018 and 25 August 2018 were such Celebration Saturdays. Agent and MCEMG gave out the previously described items and talked with the people. These visitors had an opportunity to see the MCEMG volunteers in action. At the July event, 275 people came by the booth to talk with Agent and an MCEMG volunteer. From this day, the MCEMG recruited 2 people for the Class of 2019 Master Gardener Training. On 25 August 2018, three MCEMG set up and carried out the booth for PDFM. Agent brought flyers to hand out on Raised-bed Gardens at the McCracken County Extension office complex. Agent then turned the booth over to the MCEMG where they met with 330 people throughout the morning. Again, SNAP incentives were handed out. MCEMG talked to two people who signed up to take the 2019 Master Gardener Training in McCracken County.
These two Celebration Saturdays allowed for SNAP interaction with a total of 605 participants by direct contact. Total hours donated by MCEMG were 14 for these two events. In-kind value is $325.00 for their service to the county. The MCEMG volunteers helped to make the activities of the Celebration Saturdays a unique way to tell about Cooperative Extension Service, increase participation in the MCEMG program and also to encourage eating healthy food.
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