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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2022 - Jun 30, 2023

Success StoryExtension’s Urban Ag Program Benefits Visually Challenged Students

Extension’s Urban Ag Program Benefits Visually Challenged Students

Author: Phillip Long

Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

Plan of Work: Educating, & empowering individuals & families to make responsible choices & develop lifeskills

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Extension’s Urban Ag Program Benefits Visually Challenged Students

  1. ­­­­­State the SITUATION­­­

Blind or visually challenged students at Kentucky School for the Blind (KSB) have little access to vegetable gardening on the school’s campus. Although food production is part of the Math/Biology/Chemistry/Engineering curriculum, safe access to available areas and tools has been a challenge. Funding from the Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Service, through Louisville Metro Community Garden Project, was made available this fall to purchase lumber for two raised beds, soil, seeds and plants. Working with KSB maintenance personnel, two location were identified that had adequate sunlight and water availability. Sites are adjacent to sidewalks which make access to the beds easy and safe. 


Twenty one blind or visually impaired students from KSB’s Elementary, Middle School and High School are participating in the school garden project. Teachers, school staff and administrators and volunteers from the neighborhood are participating in the program.

Other students will be added to the program as teachers determine the capacity and level of interest. So far, 100% of students exposed initially want to continue to be involved. There is interest in starting an Environmental/Urban Ag Club.  


Students were challenged by describing how building materials and design of the beds were similar to some of the engineering topics they have discussed. Also the discussion about how photosynthesis works has been especially engaging because students can feel the parts of the plant, (leaves, stem and roots) and describe how this process works just by sense of touch. 

Students are learning by using applied methods how water moves through the soil profile just by felling how wet parts of the bed are in relation to how much water is being applied. They are describing soil by rubbing soil particles between their fingers. 

  1. Recognize COMMUNITY PARTNERS (if applicable)

The Louisville Metro Councilman Bill Hollander has indicated he is supportive of the school garden project. Additionally, the Jefferson Co Extension Service will continue to partner on other school Urban Ag projects. The Louisville Lion’s Club has pledged funding for a greenhouse structure where the students can learn how to grow plants to sell or plant in the garden beds on campus. Many neighbor residents have committed to donating time in the garden and in the greenhouse. 

  1. Summarize OUTCOMES. Aim to reach intermediate (Change behaviors or adopt practices) or long term (Social, economic or environmental conditions) outcomes. Outcomes should reflect the objectives of the program. Objectives should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely). 

Many students (21) state ‘they have never planted vegetables, constructed anything like the raised beds or eaten any fresh vegetables from a garden. The raised beds were intentionally placed next to the school cafeteria where vegetables from the garden will be used by the school chef. The chef will also talk about nutritional aspects of the vegetable being harvested/consumed.

All 21 students say they want to continue participating in the garden project and look forward to the late fall/early winter low tunnel where students will learn about season extension and why some plants are more cold tolerant than others. All students also stated they have never used power tools or have a garden at home. 

Because of the strong interest in continuing the project more instructional publications will be produced in braille including vegetable planting guides, soils and composting science, harvesting and food preservation, climate and the environmental impacts on food production. 

All students are excited about the greenhouse where they can continue to work with soil and plants. There is strong interest in the economic aspect of raising plants to sell to parents and neighborhood residents. Business management was also an interest of the students. 

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