Author: Kimberly Schrader
Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Motivation and the use of incentives are important to positive youth development. 4-H Youth Development programs provide opportunities for creativity in a learn-by-doing environment and encourage youth to become involved in projects and activities. The 4-H Achievement Program intends to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments, and to provide incentives for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities.
The overall 4-H Achievement Program design includes the following: (1) Comprehensive program spanning the entire career of the 4-H’er. (2) Awards points for outside efforts and interests. (3) Encourages growth and development by awarding high points at multi-county, state, and national levels. (4) Does not require a previous level of achievement to apply for a higher level as long as the 4-H’er meets the minimum point requirements. (5) 4-H’ers can choose to compete for awards and prizes (i.e. Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Emerald) – OR simply achieve levels and recognized in their counties through Clover Levels one through five. (6) Youth who have obtained a “Bronze”, “Silver”, or “Gold” – retain their title. (7) The new 4-H Achievement Program includes and incorporates the previous “Middle School Leadership Awards”. (8) Previous work completed by the 4-H’er (from past years) may be included in the new Achievement Program. (9) New program designed to allow 4-H’ers to begin keeping records of their awards, participation, and projects.
Over the past 5 years the state program has increased.
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