Success StoryKY 4-Hers Participate in the True Leaders in Service Campaign
KY 4-Hers Participate in the True Leaders in Service Campaign
Author: Charles Stamper
Planning Unit: Administration - Cooperative Extension Service
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
In 2017 the National 4-H Program began the True Leaders in Service Campaign to increase the involvement of youth in community and service learning projects in their local communities.
In 2017, five county 4-H programs participated, with over 100 teens and adults giving 500 hours of service.
In 2018 that number grew to 15 counties participating. There were approximately 150 teens and adults who participated in 15 service projects just in the month of April. Over 750 hours of service was conducted for local communities across the state.
Comments from participants included:
I worked hard, but I enjoyed doiung it for others!
Wow! We did all this in one day? What if we did this all year long?
I can't wait to do this again!
A follow up survey will be given in six months to see if additional service has been done.
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment