Success StorySelfless Leadership

Selfless Leadership

Author: Martha Welch

Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations

Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

State 4-H Leadership Boards were initiated to give teens more opportunities to put leadership skills into practice. Gloria Bolin from Nelson County has done just that. She has served on the Fashion Leadership Board for the past two years. She was elected Vice Chairperson for the 2018 board. Marjorie Baker, Extension Associate for Clothing and Textiles, explains, “I was impressed with Gloria’s leadership abilities the first year she served on the board. She was the one who worked quietly but diligently in the background to make sure tasks were completed. She wasn’t concerned about getting recognition, just getting the work done.  Multiple times, communication with the rest of the board was initiated by Gloria.  She took her role as vice chair seriously and was there to make sure the chair was supported in whatever the board was planning. Gloria created an FLB promotional brochure and power point presentation, then shared it for other board members to use.”

Gloria applied for and was awarded a “Thinking Big” grant to start a fashion club in her home county. The club promotes not only the sewing projects but also the Project Fashion Forward clothing selection project.  She values the skills learned in each and has entered her own work in the state Fashion Revue.

Baker observed Gloria’s quiet leadership throughout the year but it was especially evident during the weekend board meeting prior to 2018 Teen Conference. “During a brain storming session, both Gloria and Deja Hatchett, board chair, intentionally allowed younger board members to take on more visible leadership roles. While it could have resulted in a power struggle, it did not.  This illustrated the true purpose of the teen boards, giving opportunities to lead to all board members,” commented Baker.  

Established with the intent of board members serving no more than two terms on one board, Gloria will continue honing her leadership skills in the coming year as a member of the State 4-H Teen Council.

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