Success Story2017-18 Fashion Leadership Board

2017-18 Fashion Leadership Board

Author: Martha Welch

Planning Unit: 4-H Central Operations

Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

4-H Leadership boards give teens opportunities to learn new fashion-related skills and put their leadership skills into action on behalf of the Kentucky 4-H program. Through hands-on activities, the 2017-18 board members learned new skills in soft circuits/E-textiles, fashion illustration, color theory and mood boards, leadership and promotion. They prepared and taught multiple learning activities for middle school youth at Teen Summit and fashion revue delegates at Teen Conference.  Expanding their horizon, members traveled to the Hunger Games costume exhibit at the Frazier History Museum in Louisville and the Iris Van Herpen Fashion Exhibit at the Cincinnati Art Museum. As the final test of their leadership abilities, the seven board members planned and directed the Kentucky 4-H Fashion Revue.  

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