Success StoryHealthier Food Choices and Cooking Skills
Healthier Food Choices and Cooking Skills
Author: Norma Taylor
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
~~Christian CountyNorma Taylor, EFNEP AssistantMany residents of Christian County struggle with nutrition and health issues as evidenced by 34% of the population being overweight and 33% being physically inactive. The Christian County (NEP) Expanded Food Nutrition Education assistant partnered with the Day Treatment Center for two hour classes for six weeks this summer to provide nutrition education to the students. The Expanded Food Nutrition assistant (EFNEP) used Healthy Choices for everybody for our curriculum to teach the following classes portion control, reading food labels, food safety, meal planning and measuring. Each class included a food demonstration and the students were able to get hands on experience by preparing the recipe for themselves. They practiced chopping skills, measuring and selecting healthier food for their diet. Nutrition games were also used to reinforce the lesson that they had previously been taught. By the conclusion of the six week course each participant had increased their overall knowledge and skills as evidenced by their ability to select healthier food and correctly read and make recipes in class.
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