Success StoryFamilies Making Healthy Choices
Families Making Healthy Choices
Author: Gregory Comer
Planning Unit: Ohio County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Plan of Work: Healthy & Safe Food Prep Methods; Farm-to-table; Farmer's Market; SNAP; Gardening; Food Dollars
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Kentucky ranks third in the Nation with the highest number of overweight and at risk for overweight children and tied for 5th with the highest number of obese adults. Obese adults and youth are at risk for many chronic health conditions. To address this family issue, the Beaver Dam Community Farmer’s Market hosted the 3rd Annual “Children’s Farmer’s Market Day” The event this year was the biggest and the best yet.
The “Children’s Farmer’s Market Day” is designed to: 1) Emphasize the relationship the farm plays in providing food to the table, 2) Increase youth’s consumption of fruits and vegetables, 3) Highlight the importance of eating a variety of colors in fruits and vegetables, 4) Increase awareness of our local farmer’s market’s variety and convenience, and 5) Demonstrate the tastiness and ease of preparation of food from the Farmer’s Market. The theme for this year was “Snack Like a Super Hero”.
Numerous events and educational health booths were coordinated by the Ohio County Extension Service, along with community partners, Rice Pharmacy and the Ohio County Hospital. These included a food scavenger hunt with vendors, photo booth, hay rides, Ky Proud recipe tasting, demonstrations’ by a local chef, activities for the children and many more. This year’s event had 252 youth and adults attend.
Comments from parents and children: “Helps children understand the connection between their food and the farmers who produce it”; “Really tasty recipes made from produce at the market”; “We have used several of the recipes in our meal planning at home”; and “Neat idea to associate food colors with healthy food choices”.
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