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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success Story7 Habbits of Healthy Kids with Mill Creek Elementary

7 Habbits of Healthy Kids with Mill Creek Elementary

Author: Chanda Hall

Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES

Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Plan of Work: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources and Urban Forestry

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Time Management is the thinking skill that helps children with managing tasks, prioritizing responsibilities, and maintain a healthy environment. Time management helps students to complete activities in a timely fashion, and learn to manage and stick to a schedule. 

Jefferson County 4-H partnered this year with Mill Creek Elementary to execute Sean Covey’s 7 Habits of Happy Kids. Mill Creek is a Leadership Academy Magnet Program for elementary students in grades K-5. The academy is modeled after Sean Covey’s 7 Habits of Happy Kids

7 Habits

  1. Be Proactive- You’re in Charge
  2. Begin with the End in Mind- Have a Plan
  3. Put First Things First- Work First, Then Play
  4. Think Win Win- Everyone Can Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood- Listen Before You Talk
  6. Synergize- Together is Better
  7. Sharpen the Saw- Balance Feels Best

In collaboration with Mill Creek Elementary, Jefferson County was able to help implement habit 3 in all classrooms of the school. Over 420 youth and 40 adults were a part of this program. Jefferson County 4-H organized 2 lessons, trained the teachers on the lesson and provided materials for the students and teachers.  

Habit 3: Put First Things First is about setting priorities, planning ahead. Lesson 1 students learned about organization, using their time wisely, and developed a plan for each student/group to successfully grow plants utilizing the 4-H Windowsill Gardening Project. Lesson 2: students implemented their plans for the 4-H Windowsill Garden Project. Students planted lettuce seeds in a peat pellet cup and care for the seedlings for five-plus weeks. During this time, students kept growth charts and records procedures for watering and maintaining the seedling. At the end of the five-week period, students took their lettuce home or kept them in the classroom and transplant them into their home gardens, buckets, flower pots or flower beds.

Studies have shown that youth who design their own experiments, share their newfound knowledge with others and remembers information better. Students gained an understanding of why creating a plan is important. They learned how to prioritize tasks and developed a sense of accomplishment with the growth of their plants.  With that said, Jefferson County 4-H will continue to work with Mill Creek elementary using hands-on learning experiences, exploring new ways to implement the 7 habits and encourage healthy leadership habits within the school community. 

Stories by Chanda Hall

Jefferson County 4-H Sewing Day Camp

Jefferson County 4-H Sewing Day Camp

about 1 years ago by Chanda Hall

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4-H Teen Summitt

about 7 months ago by Chanda Hall

Middle school is a crucial period for youth development, marked by significant physical, cognitive, ... Read More

Stories by Jefferson County CES

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Inc. Farm Program and Millers Lane

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Winter Cover Crop Giveaway for Community Gardens and Jefferson County Residents

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