Author: Chad Lee
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Grain Crops
Outcome: Initial Outcome
We invited the Kentucky Distillery Association to visit Spindletop Farm for a Bourbon Grains Field Day. At this field day, we displayed ancient corn next to modern hybrids. We explained differences between types of corn. We provided them with grain samples of barley and rye from our experiemental research. This was the first field day of this kind by the university. In attendance were grain buyers, master distillers, suppy chain managers and others representing some of the largest distilleries in Kentucky and some of the boutique start-ups. We hope this leads to better communication and service in the future.
Describe the Issue or Situation. 40 years ago, farmers from Brazil visiting the University of Kentuc... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. The Kentucky Corn Growers C.O.R.E. Farmer Program aims to: deliver ... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. 40 years ago, farmers from Brazil visiting the University of Kentuc... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. The Kentucky Corn Growers C.O.R.E. Farmer Program aims to: deliver ... Read More