Success StoryRC Tractor Pulling
RC Tractor Pulling
Author: Timothy Stombaugh
Planning Unit: Biosystems & Agr Engineering
Major Program: Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
It always challenging to find ways to engage youth in STEM related activities. A new project on Remote Control Tractor Pulling is being developed that engages students in some very practical mathematical concepts. The excitement of a pulling competition will get the students excited about the project. As they work through the curriculum that is being developed, they will learn basic concepts of power, torque and speed; energy storage and power to weight ratio; vehicle balance; friction and traction; tractor stability and safety. The basic vehicle chassis and components are being refined to provide a reliable yet inexpensive learning platform. Engineering students were engaged to help refine the tractor design and to suggest curriculum ideas. A workshop at was offered at Teen Conference to test the new curriculum. The teens were very engaged over 6 hours of activity and articulated an appreciation for the math involved in vehicle design and operation.
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